- Margarita Ledo Andión will be one of the Filmes do Homem's jury 23/07/2018
Professor and coordinator of Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, Margarita Ledo Andión, will be part of the festival of cinema Filmes do Homem that takes place in Melgaço do 30 de xullo ao 5 de agosto. To join the participation of other professionals such as Jasna Krajinovic, Luciana F...
- A Mesa pola Normalización Lingüística fosters a manifesto in favour of cinema shot in Galician language 23/07/2018
With the occasion of the celebration on July 25 of the Día da Patria Galega, A Mesa pola Normalización Lingüística promotes a manifesto in favor of cinema filmed in Galician. "With the license to rethink the famous quote from Castelao, which claimed our language as the quintessence...
- Movistar + announces that it is working to include galician subtitles on its platform 27/06/2018
The broadcasting company Movistar+ announced by Twitter that it is working on inclusion of subtitles in Galician language on its platform. This message was received with joy by organizations such as A Mesa pola Normalización Lingüística, which highlighted that "incorporating the subtitle...
- Sorrow for José de Marques de Melo's demise 21/06/2018
With the words that Margarita Ledo gave in the homage to Professor José Marques de Melo during the AE-IC Congress held in Madrid in 2016, the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais expresses its deep sorrow for the death of teacher and research colleague. Homage of the AE-IC to Prof. Dr. José...
- Professor José Luis Castro de Paz presents his new book 'Cinema and exile: Form(s) of absence' 20/06/2018
On Saturday, June 23, at 11:00 h in the Rialto Building in Valencia, the professor of the Faculty of Communication Sciences and Professor of Audiovisual Communication at the USC, José Luis Castro de Paz , will present its new book 'Cinema and Exile: Form(s) of the absence ' within the f...
- The Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais presents the book <
> 11/06/2018
(galego) O martes 12 de xuño ás 20. 00 horas, a libraría NUMAX acolle a presentación do libro Marcas na paisaxe. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega, editado polo Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais e a Editorial Galaxia baixo a coordinación de Margarita Ledo Andión. Marcas na pa...
- Fernando Redondo, receives Galician Audiovisual Academy Maria Luz Morales award for Best International Audiovisual Written Essay 06/06/2018
Fernando Redondo, professor at the Communication Faculty of the USC and member of the GEA, won the prize for the best International Audiovisual Written Essay with Beats of Loneliness in the Cinema , which propose an analysis of two very different films, Dubliners (John Huston, 1987) and...
- Professor José Luis Castro de Paz participates in the Conference 'The transition to debate' 04/06/2018
José Luis Castro de Paz , professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, will participate in the Conferences 'The transition to debate' organized by the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences within the summer courses of the USC. Th...
- APS Project directed by Proffesor Enrique Castelló is awarded by Galician Health Office 01/06/2018
Enrique Castellón, professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, will receive an award granted by the Galician Health Office through the Agency of Donation of Blood, Organs and Tissues for their contribution to the blood donation in Galic...
- Margarita Ledo takes part in UPV/EHU's summer course "We mean: We and contemporary documentary cinema" 28/05/2018
Margarita Ledo, professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, participates in the summer course of the UPV / EHU "We mean: We and contemporary documentary cinema" this June 6 with a presentation with the name "The body and the camera". Th...
- GEA holds the International Forum 'Languages and cinema. Indicators for a European Programme for Subtitling' 18/05/2018
International Forum 'Languages and cinema. Indicators for a European Programme for Subtitling will be take place on Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela May 21 and 22. Held by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, this Forum will bring together inter...
- Open inscriptions to the I Seminar of Experimental Cinema Criticism 15/05/2018
The film criticism magazine A Cuarta Parede organizes the first edition of the Experimental Criticism Seminar within the framework of the ninth edition of the (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico. This experience, a pioneer in Galicia and the spanish state, wants to focus on the freer expre...
- The Association of Journalists defends local information as a basic pillar of public media 11/05/2018
The Board of the Professional Association of Journalists of Galicia expresses its deep concern about the announced disappearance of the local programming of the information services in the new grid of the Radio Galega that has been presented and will come into force next September. T...
- GEA shows his concern for Diario Cultural's disapearance from Radio Galega 09/05/2018
The Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais shows its concern about the imminent disappearance of the space Diario Cultural of the Radio Galega program and demand the continuity of the program from the Directorate of Radio Galega. It is a space, currently directed by Ana Romaní, it was one of the ...
- Fonseca: Journal of Communication highlights Antía Mª López and Enrique Castello's paper 08/05/2018
The scientific journal Fonseca: Journal of Communication chooses a text by Antía Mª López and Enrique Castelló as a highlight publication on their social networks. The text, which explain how to formulate cultural development in Europe with respect to minority cinematographies from...
- Audiovisual Culture and Auteur Cinema's students attend Olhares Frontais film festival 04/05/2018
The 3rd year students of Audiovisual Communication Degree of the subjects Auteur Cinema and Contemporary Audiovisual Culture, taught by the teachers Margarita Ledo Andión and Marta Pérez Pereiro , They travel to the Olhares Frontais film festival. The meeting, organized by the Assoc...
- Margarita Ledo gives a masterclass in the University Carlos III de Madrid 03/05/2018
Margarita Ledo, professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, gives this May 4th a class with the title" Cinema vs. Reality "in the Master of Cinema and TV of the Carlos III University of Madrid . The participation of Professor Ledo ...
- LUSOCOM: Communication and information for development 03/05/2018
On November 28, 29 and 30 of 2018, the XIII Congress of LUSOCOM will be held in Maputo, Mozambique. The main theme of the meeting will be "Communication and information for development". Promoting today the social, cultural and economic development of a country or a geographical re...
- Margarita Ledo joins 'Historias de nuestro cine' TV programme panel 03/05/2018
Margarita Ledo, professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, will join the panel on documentary films panel that the TV program Histories of Our Cinema will broadcast this Friday 4 of May. DocumentaMadrid festival director David Varela...
- Marta Pérez start the Feminist Criticism Seminar in 2018 Play-Doc 03/05/2018
Professor of Audiovisual Communication and member of the GEA, Marta Pérez Pereiro, took part in the Feminist Criticism Seminar organized by the online magazine A Cuarta Parede in the 14th edition of the International Documentary Festival Play-Doc. This fifth edition of the seminar, which...
- Imagining Southern Europe: Culture and Populism 04/12/2017
More information in Consello da Cultura Galega website. Southern European countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece face common social, cultural and economic challenges. These challenges require profound analysis and evaluation. The central questions on w...
- The privacy of the image. Anna Turbau. Galicia 1975–1979 18/10/2017
More information in Consello da Cultura Galega website. ...
- IV International Meeting Cinema & Território 16/10/2017
More information in Universidade da Madeira website. ...
- Exhibition Fernando Rey: Cinema gentleman 09/10/2017
In relation to the centenary of his birth on 20 September 2017, the city council of Coruña honour the actor Fernando Rey as one of the distinguished citizens. The exhibition Fernando Rey: Cinema gentleman (1917-2017) (Kiosko Alfonso, 20-9/19-11), based mostly in photographys, documents, ...
- IAMCR statement on Catalonia 06/10/2017
IAMCR stands in solidarity with academics and journalists in Catalonia who condemn the abrogation of the right to freedom of expression as a result of actions by the Spanish military policy and Government in connection with the Regional Government’s referendum on whether Catalonia should...
- Margarita Ledo will open the Small Cinema Conference 2017 with the keynote 'Rethinking diversity: cinema in non-hegemonic languages as a symptom' 04/09/2017
Margarita Ledo, professor of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Santiago de Compostela and coordinator of Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, will be charge of the opening keynote of the Small Cinema Conference: Diversity in Glocal Cinemas. Language, Culture, Identities, that w...
- Opening of the "Orixes" exhibition. 29/05/2017
"Orixe is a photographic tale of our updated past" 'Orixe' is a photographic exhibition in which the students of Journalism of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) shaped their memories of childhood. This exhibition, framed within the practices of Contemporary Photography, is divided in...
- Call for Papers: International Colloquium: Challenges of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: Policies, Practices and Representations in the 21st Century 18/05/2017
The deadline for presenting papers to the International Colloquium: the challenges of cultural diversity in the labor market: policies, practices and representations in the 21st century, organized by MIMMOC (University of Poitiers), EHIC (University of Limoges) and GRESCO (University...
- Call for Papers: Mapping Media Accesibility in Europe and Beyond 10/05/2017
Internet and audiovisual media are transforming our world, but their potential cannot be realised until they become fully accessible and enable the participation of all citizens in everyday life. For this reason, media accessibility has become an essential driver of social inclusion an...
- Call for Papers XV Ibercom 2017 Conference: "Communication, Diversity and Tolerance" 08/05/2017
The fifteenth edition of the IBERCOM Conference takes place from 16 to 18 November, 2017 at the School of Human Sciences, of the Catholic University of Portugal, in Lisbon, within the framework of consolidating the Iberian-American space for reflection and debate in Communication studies...
- The colaborative film Visións will be shown Tuesday 21nd at Faculty of Communication Sciences 20/03/2017
For the second-to-last sesion of «The other look: Cinema and women» we have «VISIÓNS», a colaborative film directed by Xisela Franco and produced by Beli Martínez. An iniciative which goes from investigation and theory to the practice of the movie production, in which women from the Ponte...
- Anuário Internacional de Comunicação Lusófona 2015/2016 is now available 16/03/2017
The Galician Asociation of Researchers in Communication (AGACOM) and the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) has just published the last number of the International Yearbook of Comunicação Lusófona, corresponding to 2015 and 2016. The volume, directed by Margarita Ledo Andión...
- I Edition of María Luz Morales Awards on Audiovisual Essays 15/03/2017
The Academia Galega do Audiovisual called the María Luz Morales awards to promove the scientific investigations in the field of audiovisual. From this first edition, this awars will count with four categories that will pay attention to videoessays and written essays, from galician or int...
- "CONFOCO 2017: Female photographers: women behind the camera", Call for papers from CAVP-1 from Complutense University of Madrid 15/03/2017
The Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising 1 (CAVP-1) of the School of Communication and Media Sciences of the University Complutense of Madrid has opened the call for papers for the International Conference CONFOCO 2017: Female photographers, which will take place betwe...
- Margarita Ledo leads the jury of the XV Documentary Festival Santiago Alvarez In Memoriam 11/03/2017
Margarita Ledo, coordinator of the Estudos Audiovisuais Research Group, attended the XV Documentary Festival Santiago Alvarez In Memoriam which took place between 6th and 11th of march in Santiago de Cuba. Ledo presented at the festival his dissertation “En torno a lo viejo y lo nuevo en...
- Margarita Ledo has been awarded the Premio Ramón Piñeiro "Facer País" 08/11/2016
Margarita Ledo, coordinator of the Estudos Audiovisuais Research Group, has been awarded the 15th Premio Ramón Piñeiro "Facer País", granted by Val de Láncara Cultural Association. The award distinguishes every year the career of a person or entity in favour of Galicia's development. The ju...
- The Acércate Seminar on equality and prevention of gender violence will have the presence of Margarita Ledo 02/11/2016
> The coordinator of the Estudos Audiovisuais Research Group, Margarita Ledo Andión, will be one of the speakers at the Sixth Acércate Seminaron equality and prevention of gender violence. Organized by the Ames City Council, A Coruña Deputation and Ames CIM, the seminar will have place on 1...
- Margarita Ledo takes part in the seminar "Visualities in tension" at the University of Seville 02/11/2016
> IC Journal (Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación) has organized, for next 9 of november, a seminar on "Visualities in tension". It will have place from 10:30 to 13:30 at the Salón de Grados of the University of Seville's Faculty of Communication, and Margarita Ledo, coordinato...
- Margarita ledo introduces the screening of "Una Rosa para Soler" in Santiago de Compostela 26/10/2016
The Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais and the Department of Photography of the Mestre Mateo Art and Design School organize the presentation of Una Rosa para Soler, a documentary that focuses on the composer Antonio Soler, a fundamental name of spanish music for organ and harpsichord from t...
- "Diversity and culture industries", Call for papers from Quaderns del CAC journal 05/10/2016
The journalQuaderns del CAC has just published a call for papers for their new monographic, number 43. It will be focused on the analysis of diversity within culture industries and iniciatives of protection and promotion. The journal proposes the following themes: - Evaluation of ...
- Call in defence of democracy and freedom of culture in Turkey 22/07/2016
Professors Angelo d'Orsi (Università di Torino) and Guido Liguori (Università della Calabria) have just published a text invoking the defence of freedom and democracy after the measures taken by Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government following the recent coup d'etat. Between the imprisonmen...
- Marta Pérez Pereiro introduces "A Costa dos Murmúrios" at Vigo's Instituto Camões Sixth Portuguese Film Series 13/06/2016
Marta Pérez Pereiro, researcher at the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, will take part this june in the Sixth Portuguese Film Series organized by Vigo's Instituto Camões' Cultural Centre. This edition focuses on female portuguese directors, highlighting the emergence of many women in recen...
- Margarita Ledo takes part in a debate organized by Brasilegos Against the Coup with the director Anna Muylaert and the screening of "Que horas ela volta?" 31/05/2016
A coordinadora do Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, Margarita Ledo Andión, participará o xoves 2 de xuño nun debate na Biblioteca Pública Ánxel Casal arredor do filme Que horas ela volta?, de Anna Muylaert, coa propia directora da obra. O evento está organizado por Brasilegos Contra o Golpe...
- A Estrada's space Dispara organizes a collodion process photographic workshop 31/05/2016
On 18 and 19 June, the visual artist, photographer and teacher Francisco Gómez will impart a collodion process workshop at A Estrada's space Dispara. The collodion process is a mid-19th century technique which, as with daguerrotype, is caracterized by its great definition power. It is ma...
- Margarita Ledo takes part in the presentation of the project "Cinema e Muller" at the Mostra de Cinema Periférico (S8) 31/05/2016
Margarita Ledo, coordinator of the Estudos Audiovisuais Research Group, will take part on saturday 4 June, at the (S8) Room of A Coruña's PALEXCO, in a debate on cinema and gender as a part of the presentation of the project "Cinema e Muller" ("Cinema and Women") at the seventh edition o...
- Oliver Laxe wins with "Mimosas" at Cannes' Critics' Week 20/05/2016
The Galician filmmaker Oliver Laxe has just won the Critics' Week Grand Prize at the Cannes film festival with his film Mimosas. The jury, chaired by Valérie Donzelli, has given him an award that, in previous editions, directors such as Bernardo Bertolucci, Leos Carax or Wong Kar Wai hav...
- "Cultures of resistance, minorized people and languages", Call for papers from University Paris 8 Vincennes' CEMTI 19/05/2016
The Center of Studies about Media, Technologies and Internationalizationfrom University Paris 8 Vincennes has just opened the call for papers for the international conference “Cultures of resistance, minorized people and languages”, which will take place on 1st and 2nd of December 2016 a...
- Marta Pérez talks about the relation between Galician and Lusophone Cinema at Primavera do Cine Film Festival 18/05/2016
A investigadora do Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, Marta Pérez Pereiro, intervirá como oradora no coloquio "Vías de colaboración entre o cinema galego e o lusófono" organizado no marco do Festival Primavera do Cine de Vigo. O debate, que terá lugar o sábado 21 de maio ás 18:00 horas no ...
- The International Conference Lusocom 2016 extends the deadline for submitting proposals until May 22 17/05/2016
A organización do XII Congresso Internacional Lusocom e II Mediacom amplía o prazo para a recepción de propostas de comunicacións ate o 22 de maio. A presentación de propostas debe ser realizada a través do formulario aloxado no propio site, mediante a presentación dun resumo dun máx...
- José Luis Castro de Paz coordinates a film series on Spanish post-war cinema at Museo Reina Sofía 01/05/2016
José Luis Castro de Paz, Professor of the Universidade de Santaigo de Compostela end member of the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais coordinates the film series Life in the Shadows. Spanish Cinema in a Labyrinth (1939–1953), hosted by the Museo Reina Sofía in Madrid and developed from 28th ...
- Margarita Ledo participa en el IV Encuentro de Cine Documental del Festival de Málaga 29/03/2016
A 19ª edición do Festival de Cine Español de Málaga acollerá os días 25 e 26 de abril o IV Encontro de Cinema Documental. Baixo o título "Doce anos despois: estado da cuestión" este evento de vocación transversal reunirá a cineastas, investigadores universitarios, programadores, distrib...
- Call for papers of Anuário Internacional de Comunicação Lusófona is now open 29/03/2016
Abre o prazo para enviar propostas ao XII Congreso Internacional LUSOCOM. A Diretoria da LUSOCOM (Federação Lusófona de Ciências da Comunicação) comunica a chamada de artigos para o próximo número do Anuário Internacional de Comunicação Lusófona, baixo a responsabilidade da INTERCOM (So...
- Film submissions for Museo do Pobo Galego Ethnographic Film Festival are now open 14/03/2016
Film submissions for Museo do Pobo Galego Ethnographic Film Festival are now open Requirements: To be eligible for this Festival, the submitted films must have been produced after 1st January 2014. The length of the films submitted must not exceed 90 minutes. Film authors may submit ...
- Call for papers: International Congress “El hombre que quiso crear: Literatura, periodismo y cine en la obra de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez” 04/02/2016
Os días 20 e 21 de outubro de 2016, A Fundación Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, co apoio da Deputación da Coruña, os Concellos de Cambre e A Coruña e as Universidades de Santiago de Compostela e da Coruña, celebrará o Congreso Internacional O home que quixo crear: Literatura, xornalismo e ci... - Entries are now open for the Primeiro Olhar award 20/01/2016
The Primeiro Olhar Award is the competitive section of the film festival Encontros de Cinema de Viana do Castelo , which is in its XVI edition. The event aims to promote the documentary and to award the best documentary made by students of cinema, audiovisual and communication schools, and...
- Interviews to Guillermo Orozco e Luis Alfonso Albornoz 15/01/2016
The Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais has uploaded to its Vimeo Channel two new interviews to experts within the eDCINEMA research project. In this case the interviewees are Guillermo Orozco and Luis Alfonso Albornoz. Orozco is Professor at University of Guadalajara (México). Albornoz is Pro...
- Just published the book of Héctor Paz Otero “Poética da derrota: a literatura de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez no cine” 14/12/2015
A Editorial Vía Láctea e a Fundación Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, co apoio da Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria da Xunta de Galicia, acaban de editar o libro de Héctor Paz Otero Poética da derrota: a literatura de Wenceslao Fernádez Flórez no cine. Trátase dun ...
- José Luis Castro de Paz will close the International Conference Cinema and Television in Spain during the Post-Transition 01/12/2015
A Universidade Carlos III de Madrid (Campus de Xetafe) acollerá entre o mércores 9 e o venres 11 de decembro o Congreso Internacional El cine y la televisión en la España de la Post-Transición (1979-1992), organizado polo Grupo de Investigación TECMERIN (Televisión y Cine: Memoria, Repre...
- The R+D Project EDCINEMA organizes the workshop: Vers l’Espace Numérique Européen. Le rôle des petites cinématographies en V.O. 25/11/2015
Os días 4 de decembro terá lugar en París o seminario Vers l’Espace Numérique Européen. Le rôle des petites cinématographies en V.O.", que organiza Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais en colaboración coCentre d’Études sur les Médias, les Technologies et l’Internationalisation da Université Par...
- Lecture of Marta Pérez at the Centre for Galician Studies in Wales 22/11/2015
O venres 27 de novembro, o Centro de Estudos Galegos en Bangor (Gales) ofrecerá a conferencia "Landscape in the mist. A cartography of Galician Cinema in the last decade", da investigadora Marta Pérez Pereiro. O evento forma parte das actividades de difusión proxecto do Plan Nacional...
- The project on the post-war Spanish Cinema will be present at a seminar on film modernity which will be held in Valencia 11/11/2015
(galego) Os días 26 e 27 do presente mes de novembro celebrarase en Valencia o Seminario Crónica de un desencuentro. La recepción del cine moderno en España. O evento está organizado como culminación dun Proxecto de Investigación promovido desde a Universidade de Barcelona e centrado no ...
- The R+D project EDCINEMA organizes the Symposium: Finland, Galicia, Wales. The challenges of small cinemas in minoritized languages. 10/11/2015
Os días 24 e 25 de novembro, ten el lugar en Cardiff o simposio Finlandia, Galiza, Gales. Os retos dos pequenos cinemas en linguas minorizadas. A consideración das nacións como espazos comunicativos, e do cinema en versión orixinal como ferramenta inequívoca para a construción da diver...
- The Research Project on the Post-war Spanish Cinema will participate next week in the 16th Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Semiótica 27/10/2015
On 4, 5, and 6 November will be held in Bilbao the 16th Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Semiótica and 5th Congreso Internacional del Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad de la UPV/EHU, with the title Historias del presente. Del documento al documental...
- The Research Project on the Post-war Spanish Cinema presents a CD with the analysis of more than one hundred and forty films 25/10/2015
(galego) Despois de tres anos de investigación, o Proxecto de I+D+i Cara unha reconsideración da cultura posbélica: análise dos modos de representación no cinema español (1939-1962) a partir da impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez (CSO2012-34648, Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2013-2015, Minec...
- 07/10/2015
(galego) O proxecto Cidadanía e Educomunicación (CIDEC), desenvolvido por 5 grupos de investigación galegos, entre eles o Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais dentro da Rede Europa-América Latina de Comunicación e Desenvolvemento (REAL_CODE), organiza o ‘II Encontro Cidadanía e Educomunicación: ...
- Just published the book "Una calculada resistencia: Cine y literatura popular después de la Guerra Civil (1939-1962)", linked to the Research Project on the Post-war Spanish Cinema 12/09/2015
A Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social (La Laguna, Tenerife) acaba de publicar o número 88 da colección Cuadernos Artesanos de Comunicación, co título Una calculada resistencia: Cine y literatura popular después de la Guerra Civil (1939-1962). Trátase dunha obra realizada polo I+D+i Ca...
- Interview with Julio Diamante on a DVD of The Research Project on the Post-war Spanish Cinema 15/08/2015
Vía Láctea Editorial acaba de editar o DVD Los que no fuimos a la guerra, de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez: de la novela al film. Entrevista con Julio Diamante, vinculado ao Proxecto de Investigación Cara unha reconsideración da cultura posbélica: análise dos modos de representación no cine...
- Margarita Ledo teaches a seminar on Documentary Image at the cinema festival Filmes do Homem 05/08/2015
(galego) Fóra de Campo é o nome do Curso de Verán que vai ocorrer no ámbito de FILMES DO HOMEM – Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival. Será u encontro de reflexión e debate multidisciplinar – Ciencias Sociais, Artes e Ciencias da Comunicación, en torno do tema Cinema e Mirac...
- Now available the monograph of L'Atalante linked to the Research Project on the Post-war Spanish Cinema 02/08/2015
Acaba de ser editado o número 20 de L'Atalante. Revista de estudios cinematográficos, co título Heridas, pervivencias, transformaciones. Modelos de estilización en el cine posbélico español (1939-1962). Trátase dun número monográfico vinculado ao Proxecto de Investigación Cara unha recon...
- The Audiovisual Studies Research Group takes part at IAMCR 2015 Conference 17/07/2015
(galego) Do 12 ao 17 de xullo a International Association for Media and Communication Research celebra en Montreal unha nova edición do seu congreso anual. Con sé na Université du Quebec á Montreal (UQAM) e baixo o título “Hexemonía ou resistencia, o papel ambiguo da comunicación", o congr... - New papers related to the R+D "EDCINEMA" at the IAMCR 2015 Conference 17/07/2015
(galego) Baixo o título “Hexemonía ou resistencia, o papel ambiguo da comunicación" a presente edición do Congreso IAMCR aborda, do 12 ao 17 de xullo en Montreal, as diversas formas de concepción do termo 'comunicación' na sociedade contemporánea, en tanto valor vencellado a un ideal de...
- Recent publication of two books in the collection Cuadernos de Cine y Cultura Posbélica Española 02/07/2015
Vía Láctea Editorial has just published the books Muerte de un ciclista (Juan Antonio Bardem, 1955): una firme mirada opositora and Sonrisas y lágrimas de España: esperpento, humor negro y costumbrismo en el cine español, carried out within the Research Project Towards a reconsideration ...
- GEA will take parte at Filmes do Homem, Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival 26/06/2015
Fóra de Campo é o nome do Curso de Verán que vai ocorrer no ámbito de FILMES DO HOMEM – Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival. Será u encontro de reflexión e debate multidisciplinar – Ciencias Sociais, Artes e Ciencias da Comunicación, en torno do tema Cinema e Miracións, e r...
- Fonseca Journal of Communication. New deadline: September, 30 26/06/2015
O Fonseca Journal of Communication amplía ate o 30 de setembroo prazo de recepción de artigos para o monográfico de decembro. Baixo o título é "Cinema: renaming itself. Nuevas definiciones en el cine contemporáneo", a edición é coordinada por Margarita Ledo Andión (Catedrática da Univers...
- End of the workshop "Innovación en Escenografía Virtual Avanzada: Aston 3D Suite e Infinity Set de Brainstorm Multimedia" 26/06/2015
A Facultade de Ciencias de Comunicación da USC acolle o acto de clausura do "Curso de Innovación en Escenografía Virtual Avanzada: Aston 3D Suite e Infinity Set de Brainstorm Multimedia” , realizado entre o 23 e o 26 de xuño baixo a dirección de Enrique Castelló Mayo (Grupo de Estudos A...
- Margarita Ledo coordina a sesión Industrias e Mercado Cultural no ciclo Desafíos do ecosistema cultural galego ante a Axenda Europa 2020 do CCG 16/06/2015
A cultura galega afronta constantes desafíos nunha sociedade en rede que vive profundas transformacións. Os retos no horizonte da vindeira década, marcados pola Comisión Europea na Estratexia Europa 2020, son moitos e variados. Abranguen estratexias de crecemento baseadas en sete piares,... - The Research Project on the Post-war Spanish Cinema collaborates in the organization of a Congress on Torrente Ballester and Spanish Cinema 14/06/2015
Thursday 18 and Friday 19 will be held in Santiago de Compostela the congress Gonzalo Torrente Ballester y/en el cine, organized by the Research Project of the University of Vigo Gonzalo Torrente Ballester (III) (FFI2012-34025. Mineco – Gobierno de España), with the collaboration of the ...
- The University of Cambridge will host a Conference of José Luis Castro de Paz in the XVI CILEC 11/06/2015
For the third consecutive year, the Research Project Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark (CSO2012-34648, Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2013-2015, Mineco - Gobierno de España) w...
- Video summaries of the International Forum Cinema of Small Nations, Film Literacy and New Audiences 29/05/2015
The Estudos Audiovisuais Research Group has just uploaded to its Vimeo channel the videos that summarize the different sessions of the past International Forum Cinema of Small Nations, Film Literacy and New Audiences. The intentions of the Forum were linking all the variables that could ...
- USC and Clag sign a framework cooperation agreement 19/05/2015
The University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and the Galician Audiovisual Cluster (Clag) signed Tuesday in Santiago, a cooperation agreement to promote cooperation between the two organizations to hold activities of cultural, scientific, educational and research. The signing was f...
- "Turismo, Patrimonio y NTIC", Call for papers from Telos magazine 19/05/2015
TELOS magazine has opened its call for papers for the central dossier of its next issue, 102: Turismo, Patrimonio y NTIC (Tourism, Heritage and New Technologies of Information and Communication), coordinated by professors Jesús Prieto de Pedro (UNED) and Enrique Bustamante Ramírez (UCM)....
- Interviews to filmmaker and writer Alfonso Gumucio Dagron and professor Raúl Trejo 07/05/2015
The Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais has uploaded to its Vimeo Channel two new interviews to experts within the eDCINEMA research project. In this case the interviewees are Alfonso Gumucio Dagron and Raúl Trejo. Gumucio Dagron is a filmmaker, a writer and a member of the Asociación Latinoam...
- A lot of people attends the launch of two books of the project on the post-war Spanish cinema at Fundación Wenceslao Fernández Flórez 05/03/2015
Last Friday the books Tragedias de la vida vulgar. Adaptaciones e irradiaciones de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez en el cine español and El malvado Carabel: literatura y cine popular antes y después de la Guerra Civil, were presented at Fundación Wenceslao Fernández Flórez. The books collect i...
- Coming soon: Presentation of two books of the project on the post-war Spanish cinema at Fundación Wenceslao Fernández Flórez 16/02/2015
Friday, February 27 the Fundación Wenceslao Fernández Flórez will host the presentation of Tragedias de la vida vulgar. Adaptaciones e irradiaciones de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez en el cine español and El malvado Carabel: literatura y cine popular antes y después de la Guerra Civil. The ...
- The Project on the Post-War Spanish Cinema rescues two screenplays about the novel by Wenceslao Fernández Flórez Volvoreta 23/01/2015
The Project Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark (CSO2012-34648, Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2013-2015, Mineco - Gobierno de España) rescues a script consisting of the adaptat...
- Interviews to the professors Aimee Vega, Clemencia Rodriguez and Muniz Sodré 13/01/2015
The Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais has just uploaded to its Vimeo Channel three interviews to experts that took place in 2013 in Santiago de Compostela. Professors Aimee Vega Montiel (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Clemencia Rodríguez (University of Oklahoma) and Muniz Sodr...
- “Género – Contributos para uma Compreensão Efetiva das Mudanças”: Call for papers from Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais 12/01/2015
The Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais (RLEC) has just opened its term for the submitting of papers for its next issue. The theme is framed under the title "Género - Contributos para uma Compreensão Efetiva das Mudanças" (Gender - Contributions for an Effective Comprehension of Chan...
- Filmes do Homem, the Melgaço International Documentary Festival, opens its registration period for proposals 05/01/2015
FILMES DO HOMEM, the Melgaço International Documentary Festival, has opened its registration period for proposals for its 2015 edition. The general topic is migrations: "Films should manifest the author's point of view on aspects related to social, individual, cultural or identity issues, ...
- José Luis Castro de Paz: President of Fundación Wenceslao Fernández Flórez 27/12/2014
The Principal Investigator of the Research Project Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark, (CSO2012-34648. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Gobierno de España. Plan...
- "Cinema: Renaming itself": Call for papers from Fonseca Journal of Communication 17/12/2014
Fonseca: Journal of Communication has made a Call for Papers for a monographic issue to be published in december 2015. The title is "Cinema: renaming itself. Nuevas definiciones en el cine contemporáneo", and it's coordinated by Margarita Ledo Andión (Professor at Universidade de Santiag...
- The Research Project on the post-war Spanish Cinema in VI Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social 09/11/2014
At the beginning of December will be held in Tenerife the VI Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social, organized by Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social and Universidad de La Laguna. Within the activities of Congress, Friday 5 will develop the Thematic Table Literatura y c...
- The Congress Wenceslao Fernández Flórez: Cinéma et Littérature was held with great success 13/10/2014
On 10 October was held in Lyon the Congress Wenceslao Fernández Flórez: Cinéma et Littérature, linked to the Research Project Towards a reconsideration of post-war culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark (CSO20...
- Session: Musical projects financing through private sponsorship 07/10/2014
(galego) Xoves, 16 de outubro de 2014. Consello da Cultura Galega. O investigador Xaime Fandiño coordina este encontro organizado polo Consello da Cultura Galega en Colaboración co equipo Canal Campus do Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais. O investimento público na industria musical g...
- Session: Videogames, promoting isolation or brotherhood? 03/10/2014
(galego) O Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA) organiza a sesión divulgativa “Videoxogos, promotores de illamento ou de irmandade?” que correrá a cargo da videoxogadora profesional e produtora audiovisual Dhaunae de Vir. Poden os videoxogos afectar negativamente á nosa vida en soci...
- Full program of the Congress Wenceslao Fernández Flórez: Cinéma et Littérature de Lyon 21/09/2014
The 10th of October GEA will participate in the Congress Wenceslao Fernández Flórez: Cinéma et Littérature which will be held in Lyon. It’s a scientific meeting ommemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the Galician writer and will be organized by the Research Project of the...
- Published the proceedings of the Symposium on the imprint of Wenceslao Fernández Flórez in Spanish cinema 28/07/2014
They have just published the proceedings of the International Symposium Costumismo, humor, melancolía, reflexividade: Impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez no cinema español, that was held in March in Santiago de Compostela and A Coruña. The scientific event was organized within the sco...
- The project on the post-war Spanish Cinema will collaborate in Lyon in a scientific conference on Wenceslao Fernández Flórez 21/07/2014
October 10 will be held in Lyon the Congress Jornada Wenceslao Fernández Flórez: Cine y literatura linked to the Research Project Towards a reconsideration of post-war culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark (C...
- Recent publication of a book on Francisco Regueiro, coordinated from the Research Project on the post-war Spanish cinema 16/07/2014
Shangrila has published the book Me enveneno de cine. Amor y destrucción en la obra de Francisco Regueiro, coordinated by professors of the University of Santiago de Compostela José Luis Castro de Paz and Xosé Nogueira, and performed in the Research Project Towards a reconsideration of p...
- 03/07/2014
(galego) A Asociación Española de Investigadores da Comunicación e a Universidade do País Vasco organizan do 22 ao 25 de setembro de 2014 un curso de verán para doutorandos con fin de promover e potenciar a reflexión e o debate aberto e participativo sobre cuestións estratéxicas no actua... - Panel on cinema and cultural diversity at International Conference ECREA 2014 27/06/2014
(galego) O Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais participa no Congreso Internacional ECREA que se desenvolverá do 12 ao 15 de novembro en Lisboa. As investigadoras Margarita Ledo Andión, Antía López Gómez, Ana Isabel Rodríguez Vázquez, Mª Soliña Barreiro González e Miren Manias tomarán parte n...
- The Research Project on the post-war Spanish Cinema will participate with a thematic table in VI Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social 19/06/2014
At the beginning of December will be held in Tenerife the VI Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social, organized by Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social and Universidad de La Laguna. Within the activities of Congress, Friday 5 will develop a thematic table linked to the Re...
- The magazine L'Atalante prepares an issue linked to the Research Project on the post-war Spanish Cinema 16/06/2014
The 20th issue of L’Atalante will address a reflection on Spanish Cinema of the post-war period, in a monographic issue linked to the Research Project Towards a reconsideration of post-war culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Ferná...
- The first issue of the collection “Cuadernos de Cine y Cultura Posbélica Española” was published 01/05/2014
It just published the book of José Luis Castro de Paz and Héctor Paz Otero El malvado Carabel: literatura y cine popular antes y después de la Guerra Civil. From a study of the novel by Wenceslao Fernández Flórez “El malvado Carabel”, the authors carried out an analysis of the film adapt...
- José Luis Castro de Paz explains in TVG the relationship between Wenceslao Fernández Flórez and the Spanish cinema 28/04/2014
Following the success of the International Symposium Costumismo, humor, melancolía, reflexividade: Impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez no cinema español organized from the research project Towards a reconsideration of post-war culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanis...
- 09/03/2014
(galego) Sumándose á conmemoración do cincuenta aniversario do pasamento do escritor coruñés e coincidindo co Simposium Internacional Costumismo, humor, melancolía, reflexividade: Impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez no cinema español, que se celebrará en Santiago e A Coruña os días 27...
- Opens for registration at the Symposium about the Imprint of Wenceslao Fernández Flórez in Spanish Cinema 21/02/2014
opens for registration at the symposium about the imprint of wenceslao fernández flórez in spanish cinema Until March 20, it will remain open for registration in the International Symposium “Costumismo, humor, melancolía, reflexividade: Impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez no cinema e...
- Canal Campus takes part in Galician Connection Festival 19/02/2014
(galego) O equipo de Canal Campus_lab intervén na Xornada Educa do festival Galician Connection. Xaime Fandiño, profesor da USC e membro do Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, compartirá cos asistentes as iniciativas que este equipo de investigadores especializados en música popular están a des...
- The Symposium on the imprint of Wenceslao Fernández Flórez in the Spanish Cinema will be held in Santiago and A Coruña on 27 and 28 March 29/01/2014
The Research Project "Towards a reconsideration of post-war culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark" held an international symposium led by own Principal Investigator, José Luis Castro de Paz, in which leading ...
- Several works of the Research Project studies on Wenceslao Fernández Flórez mark in post-war cinema will be presented this week at the 14th Congress of AEHC 26/11/2013
Between Thursday and Saturday of this week will be held in Bilbao the 14th International Congress of AEHC, with the title “De Cimientos y Contrafuertes. El papel de los géneros en el Cine Español”. As we had already announced last month, the Congress will host a broad representation of...
- Canal Campus at Cultural 2013 15/11/2013
O equipo de Canal Campus_lab intervén no Cultural 2013. Será o sábado 30 de novembro ás 19:30 horas. CONTACTO web: mail: Facultade de Ciencias da Comunicación Campus Norte ...
- Canal Campus_lab 12/11/2013
Canal Campus_ lab. Laboratorio aberto de experimentación, emprendemento e creación visual e sonora, constitúese coma un espazo de diversificación cultural coa finalidade de estimular dentro da USC a creatividade sonora e visual en todas as súas facetas, así como para potenciar a capacidade...
- 31/10/2013
A doutora Margarita Ledo Andión, directora do Grupo de Estudos Audivisuais, presenta en Bos Aires o volume Cine, Diversidade e Redes. Pequenas Cinematografías, Políticas da Diversidade e Novos Modos de Consumo Cultural, unha publicación do GEA e a Área Trasndepartamental de Crítica de Art...
- The next Congress of AEHC will have broad participation of the Research Project studies on Wenceslao Fernández Flórez footprint in post-war cinema 18/10/2013
At the end of November will be held in Bilbao the 14th International Congress of AEHC focused on the relationship of the concept of gender with the Spanish Cinema, with the title “De Cimientos y Contrafuertes. El papel de los géneros en el Cine Español”. Taking into account the important...
- The Research Project on the imprint of Wenceslao Fernández Flórez in the post-war Spanish Cinema will organize a symposium next spring 15/10/2013
Coinciding with the fiftieth anniversary of Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s death, at the beginning of the spring of 2014 will be held a symposium on core issues of the Research Project “Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema ...
- 09/10/2013
(galego) O grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais da USC ofrece neste volume os resultados do proxecto de I+D+i Cine, Diversidade e Redes, realizado co apoio do Ministerio de Economía e Competitividade de Goberno de España (ref. CSO2009-13702). O proxecto conta coa colaboración do Instituto Uni...
- 03/10/2013
A procura de vías de fomento da diversidade da industria audiovisual no contexto dixital en relación coa implementación da Convención sobre a protección e promoción da diversidade das expresións culturais é o obxectivo principal do Workshop Internacional “Protección e Promoción da Dive...
- eDCINEMA Meeting: Workshop Paris, 2013 06/09/2013
A avaliación das políticas europeas de apoio ao cinema e análise da situación das pequenas cinematografías comunitarias son os albos do encontro internacional de investigadores que o Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais organiza en París no marco do proxecto ‘Cara o Espazo Dixital Europeo. O pa...
- eDCINEMA at NORMEDIA 2013 Conference 06/08/2013
No seu 40 aniversario e baixo o título “Defending Democracy. Nordic and global diversities in media and journalism” a presente edición do Congreso Nordmedia aborda, do 8 ao 11 de agosto na capital norueguesa, o papel central que os medios de comunicación xogan nos procesos de democratiz...
- New communications related to the Research Project of the post-war Spanish cinema at the XIV Congreso de Literatura Española Contemporánea 08/07/2013
Last June the universities of A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela hosted the XIV Congreso Internacional de Literatura Española Contemporánea, dedicated this time to the social question in literature, film and press. Continuing with the work of diffusion of the Research Project "Towards a...
- eDCINEMA in IAMCR Conference 2013 20/06/2013
A influencia que a crise económica está a ter na orde xeopolítica e das comunicacións constitúe o tema central da edición de 2013 do Congreso da Asociación Internacional de Estudos en Comunicación Social (IAMCR, nas siglas en inglés), que se celebra en Dublín do 25 ao 29 de xuño. A segui...
- The Group of Audiovisual Studies collaborates on training in virtual scenery and graphics 13/06/2013
... - Several members of the Research Project of the post-war Spanish Cinema will take part this week in IBERCOM 2013 29/05/2013
Taking advantage of the dissemination framework of the XIII International Congress IBERCOM "Communication, culture and spheres of power", held this week at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the USC, the members of the Working Group of the Research Project "Towards a reconsideratio...
- A communication related to the Research Project on the post-war Spanish cinema was presented at the "XIX Congreso de novela y cine negro" from Salamanca 23/05/2013
The researcher Hector Paz Otero, Member of the Working Group of the Research Project "Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark", participated in the "XIX Congreso de novela y...
- Carried out the first coordination meetings between the members of the different universities involved in the Research Project “Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark” 09/05/2013
At the beginning of this year the Research Project "Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark" started with first works dedicated primarily to the design and review of the the...
- Margarita Ledo is participating in the International Conference 'Interfaces da Lusofonía' on the 4th of July 09/04/2013
The director of Audiovisual Studies Group, Margarita Ledo Andión, Chair of Communication Studies at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), will speak, next 4th July, at the opening plenary session of the International Congress "Interfaces da Lusofonía", which will be held at the...
- Coming soon: "Modos de representación en el cine español posbélico (1939-1950). Costumbrismo, humor, melancolía y reflexividad o la impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez", by José Luis Castro de Paz 19/03/2013
Soon, it will be published Modos de representación en el cine español posbélico (1939-1950). Costumbrismo, humor, melancolía y reflexividad o la impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, where José Luis Castro de Paz, main researcher of the project “Hacia una reconsideración de la cultura ...
- eDCINEMA Meeting: Small cinemas in European Digital Space 20/02/2013
On the 22th of February, the Faculty of Communication (USC) hosts the first working session of the "eDCINEMA: eDCINEMA: Cara o Espazo Dixital Europeo. O papel das cinematografías pequenas en versión original". This research, carried out by the Group of Audiovisual Studies under the direc...
- Ibercom 2013: Acceptance of proposals 20/02/2013
The next 1st of March finishes the time limit to communicate the acceptance of proposals for the XIII Congress IBERCOM. Under the title 'Communication, Culture and Spheres of Power', this anual meeting of iberoamerican researchers adresses the knowledge's exercice as a way of power; th...
- Audiovisual Studies Group co-organized the XIII Congress of the AEHC 10/02/2012
Inside the XIII Congress of the Spanish Association of Historians about Cinema, that took place since 10th until 12th of March in the Faculty of Communication, was projected Galicia, a film by Carlos Velo, and was commemorated the 20º aniversary of the Galician Centre of Arts about P...
- Outcomes of “Cinema, diversity & nets” are presented at the AE-IC 2012 Congress in Tarragona 11/01/2012
After more than two years of research process, the project "Cinema, diversity and networks", coordinated by the Audiovisual Studies Group and directed by Chair Professor Margarita Ledo, approximates to the phase of conclusions. The first contribution will take place on the 19th of Januar...
- The GEA proposes alternatives to improve the diffusion of the Galician audiovisual production inside the Lusophone space 02/09/2011
The films and audiovisual productions made in Galician find a receptive field in Lusophone countries. However, the shortage of platforms and spaces for access from these countries to cultural Galician products hinders their movement outside our borders. The research group of Audiovisu...
- Representatives of the partner universities of the 'Lusophone' visit Compostela 22/11/2010
Audiovisual Studies Group held a working meeting with the participation of the groups of reception's coordinators included in the research program Lusophony, Interactivity and Interculturality. From November 16th to November 20th was held in the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the...
- The USC will have the most important project in research of digital contents 22/10/2009
The University of Santiago de Compostela presented a Centre of Production and Experimentation in Digital Contents the last 22th of October. This is the most important project of this type inside the program ‘Profesionales’, developed by The Ministry of Industry, which will inv...
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